Saturday, 28 September 2013

day 4/90

Meals of the day:
Bfast: 2eggs, oats and cereal
Lunch: pan toasted dory, 1 potato, a serving of brocolli
Dinner: chicken breast, 1 serving of cabbage, 1 serving of beet root

Workout of the day: Arms day
Close grip barbell/barbell curls
Overhead tricep extension/hammer curls
Dips/preacher curls
Tricep extension/reverse barbell curls

Today was an awesome day, but it is hard getting back into the habit of working out, I have to do what I have never done before, to get where ive never been before, its gonna be awesome!!

Friday, 27 September 2013

12 week journal

Hey there, I know I havent updated anything much here but just wanna say that I completed the final 8 weeks of my cutting cycle and lost 5kgs, now im on my final cycle of the year and I wanna use this space to daily update my food intake and workout regimes so wish me luck here we go!!

Day 1/90,25/9
Bfast: oats and cereal, 2 eggs, coffee
lunch: salmon, brocolli and a serving of yong tau foo
Dinner: chicken and brocolli

Full compund regime:
Bench press, squats and deadlifts, 12 mins hiit

Day 2/90, 26/9
Bfast: oats and cereal, 2 eggs, coffee
lunch: 5oz steak, 1 potato, brocolli
Tea: 1 cup cold barley
Dinner: chicken breast and brocolli

1hour fasted cardio on treadmill, 1200cal burned

Day 3/90, 27/9
Bfast: oats and cereal, 2 eggs, coffee
lunch: Yong tau foo, 1 mouthful rice
Tea: popcorn..I cant resist popcorn
dinner: chicken home cooked and cabbage


Gonna keep updating and see changes in 90 days, thank you for supporting me all readers :)